Monday, September 1, 2014

Chiloquin, Oregon 97624

 Heidi visited Chiloquin and Klamath Falls, OR in May 2008!

 The family of Richard and Connie Martin moved from Roll, AZ to Chiloquin, OR in August 1969.  At the time, Richard was 36-years old, Connie was 28-years old, Heidi was 8 1/2-years old, Todd was 7-years old, Valerie was 4 1/2-years old, Holly was 2 1/2-years old, and Troy was 15 months old.

Richard was hired to be the Band/Choir Director of Chiloquin High School (Go, Panthers! Go Blue and White!) He had been told that even though Chiloquin about 900 residents, there would be plenty of housing available.  However, no one realized that there were five children in the family. So it took a bit to find a home.  We moved into the "Yellow House".  What we didn't realize, is that there was staph infection and Heidi was unlucky enough to get it on her face!  The school nurse had to clean and scrape the staph infection off. {Shudder and YUCK!} We lived in the "Yellow House" for about two months...then we moved up the street to the "Blue House."

~Todd, Heidi (holding Henry) Valerie, Holly, Connie (holding Troy)
Autumn 1969
Yard of Yellow House~

 ~Yellow House
Photo taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~Chiloquin, OR
Photos taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~Holly, Valerie, Connie, Todd, Troy, Richard
Visiting Post Falls, ID (last time at the home of Tom and Sallie Martin, Richard's parents.  Their home was torn down due to the construction of the freeway running from Post Falls to Spokane, WA.) August/September 1969~

~Blue House
Photo taken by Heidi 
May 2008~

~Valerie and Heidi Take a Trip to Chiloquin
June 2011!
A man noticed we were parked outside his home and looking at the "Blue House".  He came outside to ask us what were doing.  We explained that we lived in this house for few months 1969-1970.  He invited us in to look around and to go in the backyard.  I pointed to a corner of the living room and said, "This is where we put our Christmas Tree."  He said, "This is where put it, too."
Photos taken by Valerie and Heidi
June 2011~

 ~Heidi-Autumn 1969
Yard of Blue House~

~Troy, Valerie, Holly, Heidi-Autumn 1969
Yard of Blue House~

~Valerie (4 1/2-years old)yard of Blue House
Autumn 1969~

Holly (almost 3-years old), Heidi (almost 9-years old), and Valerie (almost 5-years old)
Christmas 1969~

~Valerie and Heidi
Christmas 1969~
~Troy (18-months old), Holly, Heidi, Valerie Todd (7 1/2-years old) 
Christmas 1969~

~Holly and Troy
Christmas 1969~

~Heidi (9-years old), Valerie (5-years old), Holly (3-years old), Troy ( 2-years old), 
Todd (8-years old)
NEW Mobile Home

~First Row:  Valerie (6-years old), Holly (4-years old), Troy (3-years old), Heidi (10-years old)
Second Row: Dennis Zieglemeyer (6-years old), Todd (almost 9-years old), and Connie
Mother's Day 1971~

~Heidi-Fifth Grade~

~Todd-Fourth Grade~


~Valerie-First Grade
Troy-(3-years old)

The lot where we moved to Spring 1970, after we bought a brand-new Fleetwood mobile home. 

~Music Room @ Chiloquin High School
Photos taken by Heidi (taken from outside-looking through the door)
May 2008~
Richard worked here from August 1969-September 1972.

~Entrance to music room from outside
Photo taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~Chiloquin High School
Photo taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~Home of Lloyd and Lorna Peters, family friends
Photo taken by Heidi
 May 2008~

~Home of Mick and Leona Larson, family friends
Photo taken by Heidi 
May 2008

Leona was a faithful member of the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints.  She played the piano for many church meetings. I remember her husband, Mick, worked our of time for long stretches of time.  I can hear him saying (while pointing at his chest), "You don't have to worry about this old Mick.  I will take Leona to the temple before I die."  Sadly, he did die before he and Leona were able to be sealed in the temple. If I remember correctly, Mick and Leona were close to seventy years old, when we moved to Chiloquin.

~Home of Minnie Mallory, family friend. Minnie was the most cheerful, optimistic, grateful person I have ever known.  Even after all of these years, I can still see her smile.  She wasn't a member of the church, but she would occasionally attend socials.  She made me a special book and taught me Spanish.  I still treasure this little book.  
Photo taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Chiloquin.  This is exactly how it looked when we lived there.

Photos taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~Current chapel
Photos taken by Heidi
June 2011~

When Valerie and Heidi visited Chiloquin, the former chapel had been torn down.  A brand-new home had just been constructed on the lot.

~Gym where home basketball games were held
Photos taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~This building used to be the Chiloquin Public Libary---oh the MANY time I used to ride by 2nd-hand blue bike with wire basket and come home with as many books as I could squeeze into the basket. Dad had to talk to the librarian (I don't remember her name, but sure can see her squishy face).  She thought I was checking out books and not reading them....because a little girl couldn't that many books in such a short amount of time.
Photo taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~Clyde's Market (right around the corner from the "Blue House")~

~Building used to be Vern's Market (by the bank, Post Office,  and Library)
Connie would send Heidi with cash and checks to deposit at the bank, letters/bills to mail, and a list of groceries to buy.  Most wonderful fact---candy bars were five cents!!! Our family had a charge account at Vern's Market and I still remember signing my name for the few things I would get.  For MAJOR grocery shopping, we would drive to Klamath Falls and buy groceries at Big Y Grocery Store.

~Same sign and building as in the it was an auto center.
Photos taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~Driving to Klamath Falls from Chiloquin. We would see Klamath Lake, Mt. McLoughlin, and Modoc Point!  Dad used to tease us about going on a fun trip to Modoc Point.  There isn't anything there...just railroad tracks and a few houses.
Photos taken by Heidi
May 2008~
June 2011~

~TP Drive-In

The TP Drive-In...was located very close to the "Yellow House" and "Blue House." It was always fun to walk to the window and order twenty-five cent ice cream cones.
Photo taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~It was a very EXCITING time when we could eat out at Melita's Cafe.  It is out on the highway.  Will and Heidi ate cheeseburgers here.
Photo taken by Heidi
May 2008~

 ~3rd Grade Classroom of Heidi~

~Heidi attended Chiloquin Elementary in the Third Grade (teacher-Ruie White), Fourth Grade (teacher-Ruth Kizer), and Fifth Grade (teacher-Dan Fletcher).~ 

~Many hours were spent playing Four-Square at recess.~

~Valerie attended Chiloquin Elementary for Kindergarten and First Grade.
Photos taken by Valerie and Heidi
June 2011.~

~Chiloquin High School Football Field-right by the Chiloquin Elementary School.~

~Road leading away from the elementary school.~

~Chiloquin Elementary School
Photos taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~Richard worked (working on the Roads and Trails Crew)at Crater Lake National Park each summer we lived in Chiloquin.  At that time, public school teachers did not have the option of splitting their salary up into twelve-month increments. Therefore, he did not receive any pay for June, July, and August.
Photos taken by Heidi
May 2008~

~Photos taken by Valerie and Heidi
June 2011~